Wie du Rabattaktionen und Incentives optimal für dich nutzt UND Mehrwert bietest

How to optimally use discount campaigns and incentives for yourself AND offer added value

Good INCENTIVES appeal to the heart, not just the wallet. ❤️

We have put together practical tips for you on how to use discount campaigns charmingly and get the most out of them. Be sure to save this post for later 🚀

1️⃣ Value-oriented approach: Instead of offering random discount promotions, connect your discounts with your company values. For example, you could offer a discount on eco-friendly products to reward customers who care about sustainability. In this way, you simultaneously highlight these products and address (intensively) a very specific target group.

2️⃣ Exclusivity: Create a feeling of exclusivity by offering discounts only to certain groups of customers. This can be achieved, for example, through VIP memberships or newsletter registrations. This makes customers feel valued. #goldmember #platinumstatus

3️⃣ Limited Editions: Offer limited editions of your products or services at discounted conditions (“For a short time only”, “While stocks last”) and highlight this. This creates a certain urge to purchase ➡️ FOMO #fearofmissingout

4️⃣ Upselling opportunities: Combine discounts with additional purchase incentives. When customers reach a certain amount, they can benefit from, for example, an additional discount or a free upgrade. This increases sales AND also increases customer satisfaction.

5️⃣ Sustainable Discounts & CRM: Encourage repeat customers by offering exclusive discounts and promotions for repeat customers. This encourages them to purchase from you again and thereby strengthens their loyalty to your brand.

🎈 Small example, big impact: A customer with a bakery chain has permanently introduced a monthly raffle. Every customer can take part and win a breakfast package for two people. 🎁

📊 The result: Customer interaction on social media has increased enormously and the sense of community has increased. 🙌

🌟 Tip: When it comes to incentives, also think about emotional rewards. A little something extra like a personal note or a story can have a big impact. 📝
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